My Last Continent

Deb Gardner feels at home when she's at the end of the world. She does her research on the penguins that live there and enjoys the solitude the continent has to offer. Then one day Deb finds her world shifting like the icebergs around her when she meets Keller Sullivan, a dishwasher eager to learn all he can about the penguins Deb is studying. Soon they're spending as much time together as they can before returning to their separate lives up North.

With a new research season beginning Deb will be travelling and playing tour guide to the passengers on board the small ship that will take them to their destination. Deb can hardly wait to see Keller again, but he never shows up. Shortly into the journey, Deb learns that Keller is on board the Australis, a massive cruise liner that she can see not far off in the distance from the ship she's on. Deb knows that cruise liner shouldn't be coming this way, and soon the ship receives an emergency signal from the Australis - they're in desperate need of help. Deb sets out helping as many people as she can all the while searching for the man she loves. 

Oh my God. This book is perfect. The beautiful, descriptive writing makes everything come to life. You really feel as though you're in Antarctica watching those cute penguins and then scrambling around trying to get to safety and help those who need it. It was intense. But it was refreshing to travel someplace different. It's a book that made me think about our impact on the environment and how our choices can be so life-altering. An amazing book. Definitely have tissues handy.



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