Sex Hell

Debbie de La Fontaine is unhappy with her sex life, so when she meets a witch who can spice up her sex life for her she reluctantly agrees to do what the witch wants her to do - give her her African Violet. The only problem is that she wanted this to work with her boyfriend. Now Debbie is destined to have amazing sex in a place called Sex Hell - a place where she can act out her fantasies no matter how absurd they are, with a "sleazy" man who is not her boyfriend. The only way she can escape Sex Hell is to keep returning there again and again until she can gather enough clues from Carl the demon - a floating head who shows up after the deed is done - to break the spell.

This was original and funny. The writing was really good. I found it did drag on a bit towards the end though. I loved Debbie's sarcastic comments. This is the kind of book I wouldn't normally read but I decided to try it anyway and I'm happy I did!


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